If you are seriously looking for a free streaming service along with a download feature without any limitations, then FMovies is the right choice. As the service offers content without any licensing, the site is blocked on a frequent basis but comes back by tweaking the URL.

The site has categorized movies according to country, genre, popularity, etc., thus reducing the effort of finding any local stuff. The Site also offers movies in HD with subtitle support. Therefore, you can expect movies right after they are released in CAM quality. The Site directly Streams movies from torrents and other global sources.

Production houses are raising their voices against all the unethical online content providers. The free broadcast of copyrighted content costs the entertainment media and film production industry billions of dollars. Many online streaming websites on the internet are deceiving in nature, and they try to inject malware into your device. Most non-legitimate sites do not store the movies on their web servers but search web directories and index torrent search engines to stream the movies and TV shows online.